Christine Briant

Christine Briant

research engineer IFCE

Christine has conducted a wide range of experimental and field studies on the welfare of equids, concerning their captivity but also their use in equestrian activities. Through her work, she has development a number of tools for horse owners and professionals in the equine world.  Her extensive knowledge has been disseminated through scientific publications and conferences, books and summary documents, as well as web conferences and articles in the specialist horse press, and her expertise in the field is regularly called upon. Christine is the reference on equine welfare at ANSES (National Agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety). She represents the French Institute for horse and riders (IFCE) on the ANSES Thematic Committee on Health, Food and Animal Welfare and within ACTA at the National Reference Centre for Animal Welfare. She is a member of the Cognition Ethology Animal Welfare team at INRAe, Nouzilly and a member of the Joint Technology Network "One Welfare".

Christine is a recognized international expert in the field of food, veterinary public health and plant quality and health at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.


Christine Briant
UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction & des Comportements
Centre INRAE Val-de-Loire
37380 Nouzilly

Phone: 33 (0)2 47 42 78 05
