Ludovic Calandreau

Ludovic Calandreau

Scientific researcher INRAe

Since 2008, Ludovic has worked at INRAE, Centre Val de Loire and since 2019 he has led the Cognition, Ethology, Animal Welfare team. His field of interest is animal behaviour and more specifically emotional behaviour and cognitive capacity of farm animals. Current Ludovic’s research work is to study still unexplored cognitive capacities called "high level" in domestic birds. Indeed, the extent of the repertoire of cognitive abilities, which are the basis of many behaviors, is still very poorly known in domestic birds. Ludovic was initially trained as a neurobiologist which led him to study the neurobiological circuits of behaviours. His research work can also provide openings for more applied ends, since the characterization of the biological bases of emotional behaviour and cognitive capacities of farm animals can play an important role in reflections or advances on the welfare of these animals. In this context, Ludovic is a member of the steering committee of the Bird Technological Mixed Unit, and a member of the Scientific Council of ITAVI (French Technical Institute for Poultry).


Ludovic Calandreau
UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction & des Comportements
Centre INRAE Val-de-Loire
37380 Nouzilly

Phone: 33 (0) 2 47 42 75 71
